Behind the Scenes: Tales from the Set Medic's Kit

John M. Louis
Jul 27, 2024By John M. Louis


Set medics play a crucial role in the film and TV industry. We ensure the safety and well-being of everyone on set. But what exactly goes into a set medic's kit? Let's take a closer look behind the scenes.

Emergency backpack equipment organized on the table

Essential Medical Supplies

The set medic's kit is packed with essential medical supplies. These include bandages, antiseptics, and over-the-counter medications. These items help treat minor injuries and illnesses quickly.

Medics also carry more advanced equipment. This includes oxygen tanks, defibrillators, and splints. These tools are vital for responding to more serious emergencies.

Personal Protective Equipment

PPE prevents the spread of infections on set. It ensures that everyone can work in a safe environment.

Communication Tools

Effective communication is vital for set medics. We use radios and phones to stay in constant contact with the production team. This allows them to respond quickly to any incidents.

Black sphygmomanometer and medical equipment blood pressure monitor isolated on white background. Healthcare. Place for text. Medicine concept. The concept of cardiology.

Training and Preparedness

Set medics undergo rigorous training. We must be prepared to handle a wide range of medical situations. This training includes first aid, CPR, and advanced life support techniques.

Continuous education is also important. Medics stay updated on the latest medical guidelines and best practices.

Arm cut First Aid course. Treating arm cuts effectively in informative first aid course.


The set medic's kit is more than just a collection of medical supplies. It represents the dedication and preparedness of the medics who use it. These professionals play a vital role in keeping film and TV sets safe.

Next time you watch a movie or TV show, remember the unseen heroes behind the scenes. Our work ensures that everyone can focus on creating great entertainment.